10 Annoying Things You Do In An Elevator

10 Annoying Things You Do In An Elevator

10 Annoying Things You Do In An Elevator

1) People who don’t bother saying thank you when you hold the door or do them a favour by pressing their floor button

2) People who insist on using their smartphones even though there’s barely space to hold out the gadget in a crowded elevator

3) People who don’t hold the “open” button despite standing right beside the button panel

4) People who take too long to decide whether or not to enter the elevator (due to rather limited space), making the occupants wait unnecessarily

5) People whose backpacks are taking up space but they don’t bother taking it off their back and hold it by their sides to make more room

6) People who don’t pay enough attention and press the wrong floor, causing the elevator to stop unnecessarily at that floor

7) People who don’t bother making space for those standing behind them even when several occupants have exited the elevator, freeing up more space 

8) People who don’t bother queueing, walking right into the elevator the moment the door opens

9) People who are too engrossed in their conversation that they fail to notice when someone behind them says “excuse me” to exit the elevator

10) People who talk loudly in the elevator

These can be annoying for sure!

Source – rojakdaily.com/

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